What is SSL? A Quick Guide on SSL

What is SSL? A Quick Guide on SSL

Have you ever observed that some URLs start with HTTP://, while the other starts with HTTPS://?

Maybe you focused that extra “s” when you were ruminating on the websites that require giving over tactful information like when you were paying your credit card bills online.

But the question that hits our mind is where would that additional “s” come from, and what does it mean? To execute it in easy words, the extra “s” means your connection to the website is secured and encrypted, and any data you enter is safely shared with that website. The technology that empowers that little “s’ is known as SSL, which justifies the term “Secure Sockets Layer”.

As a consumer every time you want to see HTTPS:// when visiting any site you trust with your vital information. And as being a trafficker, you will want to make sure you have an SSL or two for your audience.

Let’s talk about why SSL is a deal!

What is an SSL certificate?

Reasonably SSL certificates are the small data files that cryptographically place an encrypted link between a web browser and the server. Especially, this link will make sure that the data passed in the middle of the web server and browser remains secure and private.

Certificates just like SSL are diversified by the level of approval and encryption offered OR the quantity of the domains or subdomains under the certificate.

The types of SSL certificates

  • Extended validation certificate

This certificate displays the padlock, HTTPS, business name, and business country in the address bar to vanish off-target for a spam website. The EV certificates are a bit costly to obtain, but they are convenient in showing the permissibility of your domain for the address.

  • Organization validated certificate

This certificate verifies that your organization and the domain validation are real. The organization validated certificates offer a medium level of encryption. The CA would verify who possesses the domain and if the organization is operating officially.

  • Domain validation certificate

The domain validation certificate offers subsidiary encryption displayed as a green padlock next to the URL in the address bar. This is the expeditious validation you can receive, and you’ll only need a few companies verified papers to apply.

Is It good for SEO?

Yes. While the main backbone of the SSL is securing the information between the visitor and your website, there are excellent perks for SEO as well. As per the Google Webmaster Trend Analysts, SSL is a core part of Google’s search ranking algorithm.

How to ensure that your website has SSL?

With the help of the following 3 ways, you will be able to see that your website is fully secured and encrypted.

  1. The URL says HTTPS:// and not HTTP://
  2. A padlock icon will be displayed in the URL bar.
  3. The validation of the certificate. ( Even if the website has the HTTPS:// and a padlock, the certificate could be expired – meaning your connection would not be secure)

The perks of having SSL

  • SSL protects customer data

In this competitive market, customer data ( ID’s, Password, Credit card, Debit card details, etc) is like a gem for the organization in the same context it is not possible to compromise on customer data security, and here come the SSL certificates that will secure your data!

  • Safeguards from Google warning

Google with its constant updates has made good with its promise of making the internet a safer place by naming and shaming unencrypted sites ( HTTP sites). As of October 11, they have increased their security warnings for sites that are not fully HTTP secure.

Having an SSL certificate on the website will make your site HTTPS, which will save you from such raucous warnings!

  • Pocket-Friendly ( Affordable)

Buying an SSL certificate won’t cost you much. There are hundreds of options and a lot of them are affordable. Hosting services offer SSL certificates at discounted prices and you can choose from various brands and types.


SSL certificates come with some huge and amazing benefits so get one now and secure your website.

You Can get Free SSL Certificates for your Domain With ALL Our Shared Hosting Plans.

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